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>                      > Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why are there no prices on your website?
    We primarily sell our products business-to-business and not typically in a retail manner. Our main customers are lift manufacturers and contractors who incorporate our products into a complete lift package to sell to consumers. If you are looking for a replacement part and do not have a local dealer near you, please contact us by email or phone for additional help. Email: Phone: (740) 467-2515 | (888) 350-5438
  • Can you help me determine the weight capacity of my lift?
    Unfortunately, we cannot answer this question because our products are only a single part of the lift package. The actual weight capacity can only be determined by the lift manufacturer and depends on several variables beyond our control. If you cannot determine the manufacturer or they are no longer in business, please consult with a local marine contractor to help you identify what you need. We can help you identify which model hoist(s) or drive(s) of ours are being used, but not the overall weight capacity.
  • Does "4000 Flat Plate" mean it will lift 4000 lb?
    The model number of our hoist refers to the maximum amount of torque that they can output, not weight capacity. Because our products can be rigged in multiple ways on lifts, it is impossible for us to label them in terms of weight capacity. The pipe/cable winder surface where the cable wraps up as well as how the lift cable is rigged for mechanical advantage (block & tackle) both affect speed and torque by considerable margins. Lift manufacturers use these specifications to determine how much torque is being applied to each gear drive based on what overall weight capacity they aim to lift, allowing them to select the appropriate size product from us.
  • Can I speed up my hoist/gear drive?
    Speed and torque are an inverse relationship, meaning anything done to speed a hoist up will decrease its output torque and the overall weight capacity of the lift. Our belt-drive products (PWC Hoist, Flat Plate, EBD) can be sped up by downsizing the drive pulley but this is almost always not recommended. If your fully loaded boat is considerably lighter than the weight rating of your lift, you might have some margin to speed our hoist up but you should consult the lift manufacturer first. Our direct drive products (E-Gear, AMS Drives) could only be sped up by increasing the electric motor RPM. These products are designed to operate only with 1725 RPM (4-pole) electric motors. Substituting 3450 RPM motors will void the warranty and can cause accelerated wear to the gears or catastrophic failure.
  • I think I have a bad motor, how can I tell for sure?
    Because the electric motor is the end of the line for the electrical circuit, any issue/failure in the entire circuit manifests at the motor - whether the motor is the problem or not. This is why many people jump to the conclusion the motor is "bad" whenever they encounter issues (breaker tripping, GFCI tripping, motor humming, etc). While it is possible that the motor could be the issue, it is also possible that the issue could be from other components in the circuit (control, GFCI, wiring, breaker, connections, etc). Please consult an electrician for help diagnosing the fault in the circuit before replacing anything. There are different methods for determining the faulty cause in an electrical circuit based on many factors in the installation. If your lift has multiple motors, you can switch them and see if the issue follows the motor or stays at the same spot. If your lift only has one motor, you can remove the motor and bench-test it on a different circuit by following the simple schematic on the side of the motor. If an electric motor is deemed faulty, it could be for a variety of reasons including being worn out from old age/use, voltage drop, improper connections, improper installation, and others. Properly installed and connected, electric motors can last for years and even decades. If a motor fails after a shorter period, it is almost always from being connected improperly or being underpowered due to insufficient wire size in the circuit. These things should be ruled out before installing a new motor or else the new motor will not last any longer than the original.
  • How can I become an authorized dealer for your products?
    If you are manufacturing your own lift or want to stock our product for retail sale, please contact us for more information.
  • Do you ship internationally?
    We only ship our products throughout the United States and Canada. Our products are designed for use on North American 60 hz power supplies and will not be covered under warranty used outside of the United States. Some of our dealers will ship their lifts containing our products internationally. Any issues or warranty concerns should be addressed with the lift manufacturer.
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